
Kilgore is a friendly small town that has many characteristics of a larger community. A high-tech industrial base, outstanding public school system and community college, a renovated downtown, extraordinary cultural events and progressive-minded leadership makes Kilgore a unique small city with a big attitude.

If you are moving to the area or need to find out more information regarding selling, buying or renting a home, please utilize the Chamber’s business directory.

*Companies listed in the directory are Chamber member investor firms.

Real Estate Facts & Figures

  • Total population: 14,948 (Urban population: 10,732 (all inside urban clusters), Rural population: 438 (all nonfarm))
  • Houses: 5,777 (4,978 occupied: 3,168 owner occupied, 1,806 renter occupied)
  • % of renters here: 36%
  • State: 39%
  • Housing density: 375 houses/condos per square mile
  • Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos in 2016: $3,334,083
  • Median contract rent in 2016: $374 (lower quartile is $278, upper quartile is $458)
  • Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units in 2016: $358
  • Median gross rent in Kilgore, TX in 2016: $462
  • Housing units in Kilgore with a mortgage: 1,757 (18 second mortgage, 20 home equity loan, 0 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
  • Houses without a mortgage: 1,411
  • Median household income for houses/condos with a mortgage: $71,787
  • Median household income for apartments without a mortgage: $41,762
  • Median monthly housing costs: $790